business analyst

Techniques for Agile Business Analyst

Duong Nguyen Duong Nguyen Follow Feb 28, 2023 · 5 mins read
Techniques for Agile Business Analyst


  1. Product decomposition (T1BA)
  2. Context techniques (T21BA)
  3. User stories (TU1BA)
  4. Acceptance criteria (T4BA)
  5. User story map (T5BA)
  6. Story slicing and spliting; splitting (T6BA)
  7. Lightweigh modeling; modeling (T7BA)

Product decompostion

Do you create a prioritized list of detailed improvement ideas and what if you mapped it to their associated features and values? Of course, this would be beneficial and it is similar to the process used by Agile teams for product decomposition.

Agile teams typically focus on products that require decomposition to help plan and manage improvements. Product decomposition, sometimes referred to as a product hierarchy or product map, is similar to functional decomposition used by traditional teams.

Identify and slide user stories

To follow user stories with each area. The visual creates a shared understanding that help the team split the user-stories, define increments of value and map defects.

Plan by driving the roadmap, release plans, and iteration planning

In addition, the decomposit assists the team with alignment. It help everone see where the money is spent, and analyze if the work aligns with the customers needs and organizational stragecy.


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